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All Hands In

Cactus Nazarene Ministries is a compassionate ministries center located in the diverse Texas Panhandle town of Cactus. CNM serves 20+ nationalities/ethnicities in Cactus, primarily immigrants and refugees from Mexico, Central America, Myanmar, and Africa, through English as a Additional Language and citizenship classes, legal immigration assistance, family medical clinic, after-school and summer camp programming, family counseling services, and  many other empowerment-focused services.

Cactus Nazarene Ministries

Impact Africa

Impact Africa’s mission is to serve, educate, and rescue individuals while provoking them toward a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ through socially relevant outlets of ministry service; which in turn deeply impact individuals, communities and nations. We are compelled to use every opportunity, gift and talent entrusted to us to fulfill this mission!

Impact Africa

Community Cup exists to know God, be transformed, find purpose and serve people. We take the serve people very seriously through a weekly rhythm we call “generous living moment”.  How can we live generously with our time, resources and gifts? How can we be Jesus to our communities? Community Cup partners with many local social service agencies to serve people.  We see Jesus working through so many local agencies in our community and we are honored to serve alongside them as we offer our resources, time and gifts for our community. 

Community Cup - an intentional church community

Community Outreach Ministries

Community Outreach Ministries (COM) addresses food insecurity and the driving causes of hunger through operating a food pantry, offering life skills classes, and various asset-based development and case management programs designed to improve the stability and resilience of individuals and families in our county. COM also operates Compassion Thrift, a thrift store that sells low-cost goods  and offers several types of recycling to the community.

Community Outreach MInistries

Brewing Goodness.
Every Cup Supports Change.


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